Saturday, December 17, 2011



Why publish a book with 100 exercises for double bass? To me, this is a very easy question toanswer . In everything I've done in the past 10 years, this has been my goal lead . Today the double bass technique is part of the language of modern drumming music and is no longer a tool for musicians exclusive heavy metal .

The evolution of ideas and techniques of this kind is always far ahead and with each passing day I realize that studying the double bass is endless, even for the news always recycled. Since I started doing " clinics ", I always hear the same question in each case: what is the exercise ideal to increase my ability in the double bass? This method is my answer to that question. Here are 100exercises to show my style of bass. The book contains everything from exercise very basic to very advanced.

I made ​​a point of emphasis at the base, because without it there is a structure that went well and without means to go to explore the study of this kind without limitation. Some exercise is played with two games, but in case you do not have two races in his battery, you can press the left hi-hat and use it to play the exercises . After all, that's how I developed my left hand to slot and began taking an interest in the second race.

Naturally, the behavior of quaternary grooves quavers, emphasizing the first and third notes with a down stroke, while the second and fourth notes, are played almost like a ghost note, using up a stroke. This is what characterizes my pace and, so, although I can play heavy metal, my playing is not rigid and mechanical.

Before starting the exercises , depending on the formula bar, the metronome will play a bar before starting the exercise - with the exception of the exercises in which the tempo is faster and so I went two balance beams. The study of the exercises in this manner will significantly increase your familiarity with the technique of bass. As the practice, new ideas of "groove will rise and expand your vocabulary growing.

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