Saturday, December 17, 2011

Johnny Rabb DVD 30 Days to better hands

 30 days to better hands of Johnny Rabb 

Johnny Rabb is a drummer known for its incredible American  and his ability to play individual hits or single strokes, as well as their varied and creative rhythms. He earned the title of the drummer more  in the world in the Guinness Book by hitting 1.071 times in 60 sec. in a live broadcast from VH1's Rock and Roll Breakers 
received his first drum set at age 3 years. With the support of their  and the influence of concerts and instructional clinics Johnny began to refine his style with amazing speed. 
He studied at the prestigious Berklee School of Music, in search of a title as an educator and presenter, of course, concerts or as a soloist. He is known for its excellent freehand technique or free hand technique. In this Dvd Johnny Rabb shows us his technique and how to develop it. It also provides tips to play with impressive speed throughout the  , shows us a series of exercisesvery good point that has a good practice may  that we do and peak 1000 individual hits in 60 seconds as he does . I recommend it. 

His kit 

Download DVD Here

Download Torrent (video + Pdf) Here

and I here I put the trailer for the DVD, then I put the caps. 


Well without further ado, I hope you like it, I hope your comments and hope to please everyone and keep posting.

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