Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lamb of God – Resolution (iTunes Version)-2012

Description: Resolution is the follow up to Lamb of God’s Grammy nominated album Wrath. Produced by Josh Wilbur, the album features 14 songs and comes in a deluxe softpak with artwork by longtime art director Ken Adams.

Resolution is a 100 percent trend-free and intelligently constructed album that could power a small country with its unstoppable energy and potent riffery. Guitarist Mark Morton says that “unlike any other album before, this album was written over the course of a couple of years, at least with the guitars. Willie and I starting songwriting as soon as we started touring Wrath.” As a result, Resolution boasts some of the most punk rock moments and some of the bluesiest moments of the band’s recorded career, perhaps fostered along by the liveliness of the writing-on-the-road process. The album was recorded in various studios in Virginia and New York.

Track List:

1 Straight for the Sun
2 Desolation
3 Ghost Walking
4 Guilty
5 The Undertow
6 The Number Six
7 Barbarosa
8 Invictus
9 Cheated
10 Insurrection
11 Terminally Unique
12 To the End
13 Visitation
14 King Me
15 Digital Sands
16 Vigil (Live)

Release Name: Lamb_of_God-Resolution_(iTunes_Version)-2012
Genre: Rock, Music, Metal, Death Metal/Black Metal, Hard Rock
Label: ℗ 2011, 2012 Sony Music Entertainment
Quality: m4a
Size: 129 MB
Store Date: Jan 24, 2012

Download: Uploaded

more at RLSLOG.net



(Via Releaselog | RLSLOG.net » Albums.)


Monday, January 30, 2012

Install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy!

Install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy! Yes you read it right, Today we’ve got  great news from JBN for you. finally you can install Siri on jailbroken iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy Server. In this post we are showing you the steps to install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G.

install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without ProxyHow To install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy?

Step 1: Go to Cydia > Sources > Edit > Add and add the following repo :
Step 2: Tab on Search, then search for “Siriport” and install it and reboot your device.
Step 3: Reboot your device.
Step 4: Download this Certificate file From  siriport.ru/1.crt   or here  Direct like.
Note: If you can not download this Certificate on your device, download it from your computer, then email it to yourself, and open it on your iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G from your email.
Step 5: Install the Certificate on your iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G.
Step 6: Reboot your Device.
Step 7: Activate Siri and say “Hi Siri”.
Step 8: It may stuck with you at the first time, wait 1-4 minutes and try again. (Say “Hi Siri” again) until Siri is activated.

Here’s video shows you how to install Siri on iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G without Proxy

via : jailbreakplus.com

Customize Notification Center To Fit Your Every Need [Video How-To]

Notification Center, one of the biggest features in iOS 5, is a great step in the right direction, but is somewhat lacking. In this video, I’ll show you some great tweaks for jailbroken devices that let you customize notification center to no end.



(Via Cult of Mac.)


Stanton Moore - Groove Alchemy

Stanton Moore - Groove AlchemyOn the 3-hour Groove Alchemy DVD, Stanton presents a historical overview of some of the most important drum grooves in history, showing the basic elements and conceptual development of each groove. He then shows you how to learn from the past and develop your own complete vocabulary for creating new funk grooves and patterns on the drumset.
Starting with an in-depth study of the James Brown drummers (especially Clyde Stubblefield and Jabo Starks) and Joseph “Zigaboo” Modeliste of the Meters, Groove Alchemy goes far beyond a mere history lesson by applying Stanton’s concepts for making your own playing more creative, musical, and funky.
Topics include using variation and style combination to create new grooves, using rhythmic structures and clave ideas for advanced drum set vocabulary, hi-hat concepts, getting creative with backbeat grooves, a look at how to develop swing and shuffle grooves, and more.
Intercut with the educational segments, Stanton’s trio also performs new tracks from their latest CD, showing how many of the grooves discussed are applied directly to the music. Bonus features include slow-motion segments of key grooves. CD tracks included.

Language: English
Year: 2010
Country: USA
Running time: 03:12:52
Quality: DVD5
Video: MPEG2 720x480 ~ 3 Mbps 30 fps NTSC 16:9
Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 192 Kbps 48kHz
Booklet: No
Size: 4.8 Gb

Stanton Moore - Groove Alchemy

Download DVD Here

Vic Firth - Snare Drum Method: Book 1 Elementar

Vic Firth - Snare Drum Method: Book 1 ElementaryThis book has been conceived and written with the following goal in mind: to develop a "musical" snare drummer in the classical and traditional sense of the word. Included in this book is an explanation of the basic stroke and playing position.
Examples of simple reading begin in 4/4 time and progress through 2/4,6/8and 3/4. Also discussed are flams, syncopation, the 5,9,13 and 17 stroke rolls as well as the long roll.

Format: PDF, 33 pages


Terry Bozzio - Live with the Tosca Strings

Terry Bozzio - Live with the Tosca StringsTerry Bozzio played with Frank Zappa, UK, Missing Persons, Jeff Beck, Korn, Fantomas, Debbie Harry and others. You can't really see it from the picture on the cover of the DVD, but the drum kit Terry plays is the hugest thing you have ever seen. Play it? He could live in it...and thanks to Simon's investigative powers on the internet (translation - it was a long day and he was bored) you can see it too!
"Filmed in the hills of Austin, TX at the One World Theatre, this DVD brings Terry Bozzio together with Chris Maresh, Stephen Barber and the world famous Tosca Strings. Since 1997 The Tosca Strings Quartet (Leigh Mahoney & Tracy Seeger – violins, Ames Asbell – viola and Sara Nelson – cello) has built an international reputation for their versatile performances of many various musical styles. Their dynamic interaction on stage has become a trademark of their live music performances. Bonus features include: Time lapse of Terry's enormous kit being set up, candid interview with Terry and 3 bonus songs." Personnel: Terry Bozzio - drums; Stephen Barber - piano/keyboards; Chris Maresh - bass. Tosca Strings: Leigh Mahoney, Tracy Seeger - violins; Ames Asbell - viola; Sara Nelson - cello.


1. 9/18/02
2. New Arabia
3. Document 2.5
4. Air
5. 9/25/04
6. Four For Tango
7. La Canja
8. Chinese Hi-Jack
9. What She Never Heard
10. Silent Movie
11. Bulgarianish Folk Tune

Language: English
Year: 2006
Country: USA
Running time: 135 min
Quality: DVD9
Video: MPEG2 NTSC 4:3 (720x480) VBR
Audio: Dolby AC3, 2 ch
Booklet: No
Size: 7.2 Gb

Download DVD Here

Sunday, January 29, 2012



WAZZUB baru yang akan launching pada tgl 9 April 2012.

Baca narasi tentang " WAZZUB " ini biar lebih paham :

1 - Google
Anda pasti tahu perusahaan seperti Google atau Yahoo!. Dan Anda pasti tahu juga berapa banyak yang mereka peroleh. Tidak tahu? Berikut adalah jawabannya: Mereka mendapatkan miliaran Dollar setiap tahunnya (Google mendapat $ HANYA pada tahun 2010) itu berkat KITA yang menggunakan layanan mereka. Google menawarkan banyak layanan. Tapi 95% dari pendapatannya ($ 27.550.000.000) berasal dari hanya SATU layanan saja: mesin pencari milik mereka yang terkenal, Google Search. Setiap user yang menggunakan Google Search membuat Google mendapatkan sekitar 1 $ / hari. Bayangkan jika Anda bisa mendapatkan hanya 0.001% dari penghasilan Google Search: $ 275.000/Tahun (sekitar $ 23.000/bulan). Masalahnya adalah: Anda tidak akan mendapatkannya karena Google menyimpan SEMUA penghasilannya untuk dirinya sendiri.

II - Wazzub, "Revolusi Pengguna"
Pada tahun 2007, seseorang berpikir: "Kami, para pengguna membuat mereka mendapatkan miliaran dan kami tidak mendapatkan satu sen-pun. Itu sangat menjijikkan ". Maka Lahirlah WAZZUB. Wazzub adalah mesin pencari, seperti Google, yang akan memberikan Anda uang untuk merujuk orang ikut bergabung menjadi Membernya. Anda akan mendapatkan $ 1/bulan, SEUMUR HIDUP, untuk setiap user yang bergabung dengan Wazzub menggunakan link referral Anda. Dan Anda juga mendapatkan $ 1/bulan, SEUMUR HIDUP, setiap kali seseorang bergabung dengan kelompok Anda (misalnya: Anda akan mendapatkan $ 1 jika teman Anda mengundang seseorang untuk bergabung, tetapi Anda juga akan mendapatkan $ 1 jika teman dari teman Anda itu mengajak seseorang untuk ikut bergabung juga, dst ..).
Anda dapat mencoba kalkulator mereka untuk melihat bagaimana hal itu dapat dengan mudah untuk mendapatkan $ 4000/bulan tanpa usaha apapun. Anda hanya perlu mengajak 5 orang untuk melakukan hal yang sama dalam 5 tingkatan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan cepat & mudah hanya dengan memberitahu teman-teman Anda dan dengan mem-posting di forum di Internet seperti yang saya lakukan saat ini. 4000 $ / bulan, SEUMUR HIDUP, hanya untuk memberitahu teman Anda untuk bergabung sebuah website. Kedengarannya luar biasa, bukan? Dan itu kenyataan.

III-Mengapa Wazzub membayar begitu banyak untuk penggunanya?
Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya mengapa Wazzub membayar Anda untuk mengajak orang untuk bergabung. Sebenarnya, jawabannya cukup sederhana: semakin banyak pengunjung yang mereka dapatkan, semakin banyak mereka dibayar. Ingat, Google mendapat $ 1 per pengguna PER HARI. Wazzub akan membayar Anda $ 1 per pengguna PER BULAN. Jadi masih menguntungkan untuk Wazzub.

IV - Ambil keputusan Anda
Anda harus mengambil keputusan dengan sangat cepat: bergabung sekarang, mulai memberitahu teman-teman Anda dan dapatkan $ 50, $ 1000, $ 4000 atau bahkan lebih per bulan selama seluruh hidup Anda. Atau menunggu dan melihat apakah WAZZUB itu benar-benar legit ... Tapi hati-hati: Wazzub tidak akan membagi hasil pendapatannya untuk anggota yang bergabung setelah April, 9, 2012.

Sebenarnya, mereka menganggap bahwa setelah 3 bulan ini mereka akan memiliki cukup anggota dan mereka tidak harus membayar untuk mendapatkan lagi anggotanya secara lebih dan lebih.
Jadi bergabung SEKARANG, GRATIS, dan ajaklah orang-orang yanglebih banyak sebelum April, 9 2012. Setelah itu, akan terlambat. Anda memiliki 3 bulan untuk mengubah hidup Anda.

V - Tidak ada lagi yang perlu dikatakan, saatnya untuk mendaftar
Anda harus, dan Anda akan membayar apa-apa untuk medaftar. Benar-benar GRATIS.
pergi ke sini http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=5f517
masukkan email & data-data Anda , klik tombol "Join" dan ... hanya Itu saja.
Kemudian, Anda akan segera menerima email dengan informasi penting dan link referral Anda.

VI - Beritahu semua orang tentang Wazzub
Hal penting untuk diingat adalah: semakin cepat Anda untuk mem-posting di forum, memberitahu teman-teman Anda, dll .. orang-orang akan mendaftar dengan link referral ANDA.
Wazzub sangat lah baru. Anda akan menjadi salah satu orang pertama di dunia untuk tahu tentang hal itu. Jangan membuang kesempatan ini.
Anda dapat meng-copy & paste eBook ini dan mengumumkannya dengan link referral anda sendiri, No Problem.http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=5f517

Friday, January 27, 2012

Gary Chester, Chris Adams - The New Breed 2

Gary Chester, Chris Adams - The New Breed 2This sequel to The New Breed is a more advanced book that teaches a method for learning total independence and creativity. It was started by Gary Chester and completed by his student Chris Adams after Gary's death.
Topics covered include: cross bonuses, wac-a-chuck bonuses, disco, funk, swing, 8th-note triplet bonuses, 16th-note triplet melodies, odd times, and much more. Includes a special tribute to Gary Chester.

Format: PDF, 90 pages


Mike Portnoy - Black Clouds & Silver Drumming

Mike Portnoy - Black Clouds & Silver DrummingMike's Drum-cam footage from Dream Theater's Black Clouds & Silver Linings recording sessions. Audio options include Full Band & Isolated Drums. Also features rare audio & video outtakes.
Michael Stephen "Mike" Portnoy is an American drummer primarily known as the former drummer, backing vocalist, and a co-founder of the progressive metal band Dream Theater, as well as the temporary drummer for the hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold. Known for his drumming prowess and technical skill, Portnoy has won 23 awards from the Modern Drummer magazine.

  • A Nightmare to Remember
  • A Rite of Passage
  • Wither
  • The Shattered Fortress
  • The Best of Times
  • The Count of Tuscany

Language: English
Year: 2009
Country: USA
Running time: 01:07:08
Quality: DVD5
Video: MPEG2 NTSC 4:3 (720x480) VBR
Audio: Dolby AC3, 2 ch
Booklet: No
Size: 4.7 Gb

Mike Portnoy - Black Clouds & Silver Drumming
Download DVD Here

What Happens When You Drop Your iPhone [Humor]

You know that moment when your iPhone slips out of your hands and begins its slow tumble to the ground? Time slows down, as it does in the milliseconds before any horrific accident, and you absolutely freeze with a sort of full-body shudder of anticipation at the shattered glass screen you just know will be the end result of its 32 feet per second per second fall towards the concrete.

In a recent episode of Fred Armise and Carrie Brownstein’s Portlandia, they did a skit that documents the internal monologue of such a reverie. The end’s a bit surreal (and a little weak), but as an iPhone owner myself, I can relate. Looks like it’s time for Brownstein to buy a bumper.



(Via Cult of Mac.)


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mike Portnoy - Score

Mike Portnoy - ScoreMike Portnoy's Drum Cam footage from Dream Theater's historic 20th Anniversary "Score" concert, recording live at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on April 1st 2006. Live with the Octavarium Orchestra. Contains 3 audio options: Full band mix, Isolated drum mix, Audio commentary with Mike Portnoy.

Set 1 - Dream Theater:
The Root Of All Evil
I Walk Beside You
Another Won
Under A Glass Moon
Innocence Faded
Raise The Knife
The Spirit Carries On

Set 2 and Encore with The Octavarium Orchestra
9. Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence:
I. Overture
II. About To Crash
III. War Inside My Head
IV. The Test That Stumped Them All
V. Goodnight Kiss
VI. Solitary Shell
VII. About To Crash (Reprise)
VIII. Losing Time/Grand Finale Vacant
10. The Answer Lies Within
11. Sacrificed Sons
12. Octavarium:
I. Someone Like Him
II. Medicate Me
III. Full Circle
IV. Intervals
V. Razor's Edge
13. Encore: Metropolis

Language: English
Year: 2008
Country: USA
Running time: 02:26:19
Quality: DVD9
Video: MPEG2 Video 720x480 (4:3) 29.97fps 6905Kbps
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 192Kbps
Booklet: No
Size: 8.4 Gb

Mike Portnoy - Score

Download DVD Here


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Siri + Magic + Hot Wild Girls + Doritos = This Year’s Funniest Super Bowl Commercial [Humor / Video]

As part of its annual promotion to get more Americans to cram nacho cheese-flavored asbestos triangles down their gob during halftime, Doritos throws a Crash The Super Bowl contest where they invite fans to make their own commercials. Win the contest and your winning ad gets aired during the Super Bowl.

I don’t usually pay attention to stuff like this, but this entry for the contest is just wonderful. It portrays Siri (or a Siri-like) as a magical genie in a smartphone capable of automatically beaming bags full of Doritos, a festive sombrero or even three hot, bikini-clad girls into a bro’s apartment at just a long press of the home button, no questions asked.

The only problem? In Dorito’s land, Siri’s speech-to-text transcription abilities have a couple of small auditory processing kinks to work out. The result? A guy’s request for hot wild girls leads to him being torn apart by… well, you’ve got to see it for yourself. Brilliant.

[via iDownload Blog]




(Via Cult of Mac.)


Gary Chester - The New Breed

Gary Chester was one of the busiest studio drummers of the '60s and '70s and played on hundreds of hit records. His systems have been used and endorsed by drummers such as Kenny Aronoff, Danny Gottlieb, and Dave Weckl.
This is not just another drum book, but rather a system that will help you develop the skills needed to master today's studio requirements. By working with this book, you'll improve your reading, concentraton, coordination, right and left-hand lead, and awareness of the click.

Format: PDF, 48 pages


Mike Portnoy - sysDRUMatic chaos

Mike Portnoy - sysDRUMatic chaosNew video of the famous drummer Mike Portnoy. In this video, Mike plays songs from his new album Dream Theater - Systematic chaos.
Michael Stephen "Mike" Portnoy is an American drummer primarily known as the former drummer, backing vocalist, and a co-founder of the progressive metal band Dream Theater, as well as the temporary drummer for the hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold. Known for his drumming prowess and technical skill, Portnoy has won 23 awards from the Modern Drummer magazine.

Language: English
Year: 2007
Country: USA
Running time: 1 hour
Quality: DVDRip
Video: Xvid 720x480 23.97 fps 2360 kbps
Audio: 48 KHz 2 ch 192 kbit/s
Booklet: No
Size: 1.4 Gb

Mike Portnoy - sysDRUMatic chaos

Download Here


Design by AsciK Drumming (Muhammad Saref Ascik)